Thursday, September 22, 2005

Beginning something New

Well this is the first entry and I guess I can start telling about me. My name is Maurice and I am a 24 year old Gemini (you know not to mess with me). I LOVE THE LORD and pretty much will do anything to please him. I am an Eastern Illinois University college grad. I work down town and I am a mental health professional (so dont start with me, I deal with your kind on a daily basis). I decided to do this cause I basically live on the computer; the job requires it, home requires it, LOL. But I am a cool laid back person and fun to be around once you get to know me. I will more than likely not use the real names and will tell only about me. I got a lot of friends but some that are really close to me: Twin, Winthrop, Charleston, Subway, and STL. Then I got my dips or people I talk to like that which are Naperville, Northside, Dekalb, and STLdude.
To recap today......Well I woke up at 5:45am, unusual but I did. I just laid there and meditated until 6 when it was time to get up. I immediately did I do every morning monday through Friday and then got dressed and went upstairs to eat. Then Came back grabbed my bag for work and went out the door. I arrived at work at 7:45, 15 minutes earlier, so i chilled in my car and listened to John Hannnah act a damn fool as he does every morning. So I went in to work and went to my office. Honestly I didnt do anything today... Chatted on Yahoo and thats about it. Well Naperville was online and I decided to say something to him because yesterday we had a bitter bitter argument which made him tell me to erase his numbers, etc and never to call him again. LOL. Well we were all apologetic and he decided he still cared about me and wanted to be my friend. LOL. As the day goes alone about 12 I decide to turn on the celly (been fasting for 3 weeks from it) and there is a Message from Northside. Telling me to call him back AND then three texts came in (sprint is always delayed) from Twin and Sauk Village. The day was basically ok..and then we had a meeting.. I couldnt tell you nothing about cause i was rocking in the chair day dreaming and twisting my hair. Time to go home. Got home about 5:15 signed on the computer and talked to Ohio, 35th St. and Twin. Later this night Naperville, Dekalb, and Northside all called me tonight. I also been chatting on YIM with Justice thats who I am feeling right now. Northside, was being too many things as usual. I dont know why people have to act up. Now my friends Twin and Hairdresser are fighting. The two of them need to just get back together and stop acting up. I been counseling both of them all week and they still misbehaving.... Dekalb said he is coming home tommorow..We will see what tomorow brings,


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Cash S. said...

Hey, glad to see you got it started!!!!


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