Friday, September 23, 2005

A day Of Joy, hope, and a day of blessings

Last night I went to bed kind of hurt. Dekalb called me and told me that his cousin knew someone who worked at my job and they were trying to clock my tea. Uhm, I wondered why we she would do that? Then I got to realize I work with a whole bunch of lonely miserable women. Dekalb tries to act like he dont care about me but I can tell he does he got mad about something I did and he was curious as to know who people are on my blog... I went to bed.
Woke up this morning again at 5:45 again, but I was like hell naw and went back to sleep and woke up at 6:10. I got up and did my normal routine and made it to work again by 7:45. Upon going to work I was listening to John Hannah again and this young man was on there and caught my attention. He was telling how his mother, an Evangelist put him out. He felt as if she was bogus because she put him out because she said SHE WILL NOT HAVE ANY HOMOSEXUAL SPIRITS IN HER HOUSE. LOL. They he said woman over and over kept hurting him so he gave a man a try. Makes me think about the story of my life, when i had my first bisexual encounter.... Girls had hurt me and I tried it and here I am today....getting put out by my aunt and I dont know the real reason but I know some of the underlying factors: She cant control me, she doesnt care about the LIFESTYLE(mind you I have not admitted anything nor am I some flaming fag) or anything associated with it, and that she is a miserable old hag. LOL. Work was ok,I got some good news: Dolton told me the pregnancy results were negative, she was STD and STI free, and I got a GOOD raise from my job. Much Needed and Much deserved. Twin texted me and told me he was on the road to go see Charleston. Hope they have fun. THANK YOU GOD!!!! One of my exco-workers came and took me to lunch. Boy if he was some form of Family. He notices me...Oh he says I see you really lost some weight...Im saying he notices..Thats whassup. Well Northside called me again on the same meladrama he likes to give me. Thats why I will be without him and Hopefully with Justice. Whom I was talking too while he was giving me too much. Today I confronted my issues with him and asked if he was interested in getting to know me better. He said yeah!!!(what a sign of relief) didnt want to waste my precious time. 4pm came and out the door I went in pain I dont know if pulled a muscle in my growing or my appendix is behaving improperly.LOL!! I came home and got in this bed and slept until 6:30p when Sauk Village called me and invited me to his house. I told him i didnt feel good and he said he just wanted someone to watch movies with. Were just friends and have never messed around at all and will never. So i called Northside and canceled the night I have with him cause I know what he on and Im not on that with him. So while writing this blog, I was Chatting with Justice and 87th street. Man did i use to have a thing for him..


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