Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Thoughts and Reflections of the Day

Well I woke up this morning tired as hell. I must have thought I was grown staying up all night talking on the phone to Westside which I enjoyed. In the 8months we've been chatting this is the first time we actually talked on the phone. I didnt get to work early but I was on time. My work was cut out for me today. I had so much work to do. I read Dekalb and Northside sent me an email saying: YOU DID FIND HIM, AND I REALLY FEEL THAT I HAVE FOUND HIM AS WELL..I LIKE YOU ALOT.YES, WE DO HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS, BUT THAT DOESNT\' MEAN THAT WE WERE NOT MEANT TO BE A COUPLE. BUT, I THINK YOU WERE ON HERE DOING SOMETHING, BECAUSE ALL OF SUDDEN \"WE\" MAY NOT BECOME ONE. I MISS YOUR VOICE ALREADY, AND MISS TALKING TO YOU, AND SEEING YOU. THIS IS SOME FUCK UP SHIT TO ME THOUGH. I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BE LIKING SOMEONE ELSE AGAIN IN MY LIFE, ESPECIALLY AFTER MY LAST RELATIONSHIP. I MISS YOUR TOUCH, AND HOLDING YOUR HANDS, AND PUTTING THESE HANDS BETWEEN YOUR THIGHS. THIS IS SOME FUCK UP SHIT...BUT, I LIKE YOU!!!! I didnt even replied to this...He is so full of shit. I let Twin read this and he said: You be havin these boys hypnotized. Your other nickname is going to be the magician. So you are the professor, counseler, and the magician. LOL, he is so silly. Then Dekalb sent me a text and asked me how did I view him.....I told him I thought he was sexy, articulant, an educated black man, not a model, down, and a man with potential. He'll be even better if he does not get any more consumed in the LIFESTYLE. So then I decided to forward that message to the ten people in my phonebook that I value their opinion. First Twin Said: Am educated black man, that has a lot going for himself, trying to make a good living for himself, can be stubborn at times but we all are and treats people how they deserve to be treated.i see my Twin, my brother from another mother, the best friend that I have been looking for all my life. I see the person that helped me figure out a lot of things about myself and made me realize that I am not alone in the way I think, handle, and figure things out. Dekalb Said: A man that is great in many ways! Kind, sweet, intelligent, strong, attractive, and funny. Winthrop said:I see an intelligent person that is kind to others and willing to help. At the same time I see something troubling them and keeping them from true happiness i see someone that takes their personality to the extreme to see who is going to be true which means you have trust issues I see some one that has the ability to be such a great lover friend and all around tremendous person if they would accept what they have and who they are and do what makes them happy and fuck the others. Other people said I was cute. After work I went to Winthrops job to wrestle. I took him to work and went to see Racine. Sat there and talked to him for a while then i went to see 75th and he was too too many things. I was going to read him. I went home and got me a a couple beers and began to clean my room. Then I took a good shower and chatted for the rest of the night with Twin,Westside, Justice(whom everyday I find out I like more), and Restaurant. Subway, texted me and asked me when was I going to let him suck on something. LOL, I answered I dont know maybe I wont. This is it, im going to bed now.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Cash S. said...

LOL, Restaurant is still hanging in there!


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