Tuesday, September 27, 2005

People need to be educated

First to start off I woke up tired which automatically made it a bad day for me, Granted im a Gemini and at the turn of the second hand I can be in a bad mood,LOL. So I get up and do my daily routine. I leave for work and head down King Drive. I would like to say I NEED TO BEAT SOME MOMMA'S ASSES FOR HAVING NOT TEACHING THEIR DUMB ASS KIDS HOW TO CROSS THE STREET. The little MUTHAFUCKER's better be glad I was not the lead car else some asses woulda been going down to Provident hospital with a BIG ASS Honda embleum in their assess. The little fuckers stood at the corner and waited good and well til the hand was orange for them to not the cross the street and time for me to go to start bringing their monkey asses in the street. The other people let them cross they had the right ones. So on my commute to work tommorow if I see them and their momma, imma get out and beat the shit outta her for 1. sending little children to school by themselves(couldn't have been no more than 7 & 4) & 2. for not teaching the dumb fuckers how to cross a main street. Then imma offer her my services of helping to educate her children on the dangers of BEING DUMB at 7:30am. If they slow, that works better for me either way I got 3.5 years of going to school for education and 2 years of school for the disadvantaged. Today was full of work so those who work know whassup. Me and Naperville chatted and he read my blog(then did some investigating work). I hit up a fellow blogger and hit me back up....We'll call him BLOGGER, I read his blog daily. So I went to lunch with one of my co-workers...She is so damn phony, I should beat the shit of her too. She wanted me to talk and I guess spill tea...I dont spill tea.... On my way back to the office Naperville hits me up being NOSEY asking me about JUSTICE and what school did he attend. I hope someone didnt open their fucking mouth. Now im going out to Grannies, if I have something else...Ill write it when I come back. Ok Im back...Didnt do to much out there but sat in the back and smoked with my Momma(blacks)LOL. Me and Westside talked all the way out...Three days in a row, WOW!! We have interesting conversation and he reads my BLOG to me. He is a neat little kid...Uhm I wonder why he made me mad and made me stop talking to him this summer...LOL.....Our friendship could have blossomed into something like it is now.... He thinks I am a freak and im nasty. Im innocent....One of my best friends is a funny acting ass Nigga..he gets on my nerve the last one...LOL....I dont know why LORD!!! I texted Twin, I love him so much....He is the best friend,brother, I never had. Dekalb left me a voicemail and tried to read me...so like the person I am...called and he didnt answer so I left him some nice messages. This is it for the day....


At 10:13 PM, Blogger Cash S. said...

lol, hit they butts next time!! (Joking)

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Tim said...

You know if you hit them it's like 100 points per bad ass!!!


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