Wednesday, September 28, 2005

ALL things shall be remembered and cherised

Today I woke up early so I sat there and then did my routine and headed out for work. I arrived to work at 7:40. I sang to the clients and they were hugging me and laying on me like little children. I was like awwww, get off me....LOL...So I went in and went straight to work cause I had enough to occupy me. This morning I saw something to make me mad....A mother and her children standing in harm's way. She is one of those mothers who need their ass whooped cause she teaching them kids improper ways to cross the street. The woman at my job know they talk to damn much and I hate it. See they think i am this meek and timid nigga but I confronted/checked someone today for running their mouth and my name coming out of it. I dont play that shit. I talked to Westside today and he told me some good/sad news...HE is LEAVING THE GAME...Im actually proud of him cause he is making a positive attempt at making himself happy. HE said we could continue to be friends...So that made me feel better about it. HELP ME TO STAND IN INTERCESSORY PRAYER FOR HIM in being delivered. I had all these devotional songs on my heart today and I sang all day while I was at work. LORD I REPENT OF MY SINS. Dekalb, hit me up on IM and I chatted with him Naperville, Charleston, and Restaurant. One of my childhood friends wants to get an apartment. I dont know... When I got off I came home and chilled...ate a bag of cheetoes...and drunk a beer...That wasnt enough so I had to drink some vodka and fruit juice. I got ready for work and then I popped in a flick..watched it and then webcammed for someone... then I showered and back then more people wanted me to cam so I had an audience while I sat and played with my dick. LOL. Twin had this tagline up for me: He has that magic wand in his hand that leaves all the boys in a trance....He is the Magician. I am tired of being alone..I came to that conclusion today. SOMEONE needs to step up to the plate. Me and Dekalb(my ex) talk everyday and i think we have feelings, well I do. But he is not ready for a person of my stature yet. He really pisses me off sometimes...I must realize he is 19 and have not matured fully yet but he makes me mad. It seems to me that no matter if I am having a serious conversation with him or a regular conversation he laughs at me. He doesnt take me serious and it pisses me off. Am I a joke?? I read him cause he had me heated. Justice needs someone to cater too and I got the person for him. It was brought to my attention on how I used to want to be an ALPHA MAN...I miss college. LORD forgive me for all ive done on today.......GOODNIGHT!!! Then Dekalb, reads the blog and tries to get with me. He was telling me how I make him out to be a bad person and etc... I dont want to hear it.


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