Friday, December 01, 2006


Today is world AIDS Day, and I would like to commemorate part of my blog to those who have lost their lives to the disease and to people who battle with it today. Personally I lost a cousin to it about 5 years ago and she was not GAY so it goes to show you that AIDS does not see a Sex, An Orientation, Race, or person when it strikes it strikes simple as that. I know a few people living with the disease now and it doesnt change the way I feel about them as a person in fact I love them more. I guess it to much more to say than TO PROTECT YOURSELF, WRAP IT UP, and have regular screenings.

I have been accused of Persecution and once again I am hear to stand trial and the bloggers are the jury. Your Honor, what are the charges? Persecution! Your honor persecution is defined as the constant mistreatment of a person by another person. I have not done such a thing. I have only defended myself(rolls to several blog comments). As I present my evidence to you and the jury I want you to hear me out and show you that I did everything in my power to be left alone. What is a man to do when he is feeling threatened? Just as you trap anything living and moving organism in a corner, they will strike and attack. Your honor The Plantiff have persecuted have many times have attempted to persecute me, destroy me, slander, alienate and tare me down to nothing. I have been scorned, harrassed, and is they could probably beat me. I dont suffer from low self esteem thats why I have been able withstand without breaking. Yet in still Your honor this person portrays themselve to be the victim when in all actuallity they are the Victor who comes like a Corporate theif or the Grinch to still others joy with his negative comments and ways. Your honor, being that I am human and I have my short comings.. Overall I am a nice and wonderful person and anyone that has ever taking the time to get to know me can attest to it.

There are many causes of why people feel they are persecuted. Many of which were provoked by them. Why should a person be able to do what they want to someone? Why should a person be able to say what they want. (This part of the blog is OMMITTED, but if you want to know what it says hit me up)I am not here to slander anyone, press charges for false accusations, or file a motion for a restraining order against the said individual but to plead my case and prove to the courts that I am an innocent man. Bloggers you are the Jury how do I plead?


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