Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekend Recap

Ok I aint wrote in here since Thursday. Not to much went on Friday. I went over to a friends house and stayed there until 3 oclock in the morning. We sat around and Watched Mr & Mrs Smith. He fixed me something to eat. Then he put in a new porn he just just had got....It really wasnt new... But it was it was new to him. We watched all 2 hours of dick was hard as bad I couldnt do anything about it.... I came home and looked on the computer for Baton Rouge so we could webcam. He wasnt I popped it off on my own. On Saturday, I aint do nothing all morning. I browsed on the net and looked at some profiles. As it comes to my attention as I was browsing through some profiles on the net ...I couldnt help but come across a lot of profiles and people saying I dont want someone on bullshit..... "I want someone who is not on bullshit" We all say that including me.. I would love to have someone who wasnt on bullshit and could love me... But honestly we cant want that when we on the same bullshit .Ok...Were all lookin for the same things NO BULLSHIT, SOMEONE TO LOVE US, TREAT US they exist...In order for us to find someone not on bullshit we first have not be on it ourselves. We all have to grow up in order for us to mature and grow in many different aspects of life.... So far I can honestly grow...I ve learned that life aint all about me and the world doesnt revolve around me. And I think I know why I am single now. Later, me and my friend the Doctor went on the Westside to celebrate Alvin Willis and the Praise Assembly's Anniversary. Fags will show out I dont care whereever they are. This fag, who had on his his pink shirt along with his pink hankerchief...started shouting in church. He then starts to spin his hankerchief in a circle and shouts...LOL... He won the Queen Oscar for the night.... I looked up and he started shouting again this time he runs in the pulpit twirling her scarf...Someone please sit her down...LOL. Immediately we left to go back to the Southside. We couldnt find no where to eat especially with the wind blowing like it was Crazy...Im a thick boy and I was slightly lifted off the ground and was going to have to use my jacket as a parachute. We went to greek town and I got me a Gyros and then I took her home....Juking to the house music the radio was playing. I went home and talked to my new little friend whom We'll Call Maywood. We talked and found out he has been with my ex THE A....WOW...he out here bad just being a random bussa. I went to sleep and woke up in enough to go to church...While I was getting ready for church I talked to Simon says. I love our conversation. The Doctor came and we went to church, Red Lobster(I told her my tea), Walmart, and to the Hospital. I was already sick...and I took my blood pressure in Walmart and it was high as hell....174/81....I could have stroked out. Then it must have gotten higher cause my hands started to swell. She rushed me to the Hospital...They immediately took me back cause it was still high as hell when I got there. They ran all these tests and concluded...I am severely dehydrated and my blood pressure was high ass hell... I spent all night attached to a heart monitor, O2 sensor, and an IV.... I felt like I was going to die. I told the Doctor to call my momma nem...They came up there... She texted Westside for me and messed with him making him mad. My momma called Dolton and she came. I stayed up the just about the whole day. I was discharged and sent home whom I rode home with The Doctor...Dolton and my momma came by the house. They wouldnt let me drive...took the prescription for VICODIN to Walgreens and my momma home. Got the medicine and got me something to eat. I chilled. We were talking and she was telling me that she feels that I am not over Dekalb and some other things. She went to sleep and checked my voicemail....Started writing this and talked to Maywood. Went to sleep....called off this morning...Hair dresser called this morning to check, Blogger and EIU sent texts. That was so nice of him... I guess I shall be here all day...I aint going back to work until wednesday..... Ill write more later. Oh yeah thanks to all who has checked, vis email, IM, Text, and phone calls. Special thanks to My momma, The Doctor, and Dolton (Pudding) for your care and for being to there to take care of me.


At 4:08 PM, Blogger Waddie G. said...

great post, man...a lot of folks claim to not want people who are on bullshit, but they fail to see or get rid of the bullshit they are involved with...may you day go great

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

jam packed weekend it seems ...

glad u r feeling better

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would advise to slow down on the sodium intake and drinking. You need to relax more and go get a massage when time will help lower your blood pressure. Eat a moderate diet of potassium to help as well.


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