Thursday, January 18, 2007

Martin Luther King Jr Weekend

My Thursday started off very stressful because I had so much to do and so little time. Well I got up and went to work because I had an important meeting that I couldn’t miss. I wanted to leave early but I had not one good excuse to leave. So instead I sat at my desk and worked on my homework and paper. 4p rolled around and I ran out the door to my ride and PUNCHED it home and was there by 4:15p and I live 30m away. Thoughts ran through my mind about what I had to do: Pack, paper, sleep and clean. I got in the house and then my sister wanted to start playing redecorate the house, so I quickly changed the living room around and I started packing my things off of the checklist that I wrote at work. Then I sat down to write the rest of paper. Why does it always happen like this? I couldn’t find the sources, and then I couldn’t find the right words to end it out. Then I saved it to the computer and it got lost some how. I wanted to FUCKING SCREAM and rip each and every last Dred out of my head. So I finally found it and emailed it to my professor. By then it was 8:50p and I needed to get going within the next hour. So I hoped in the tub and soaked until it was time for me to get going… I scooped up Cash and Granny and then picked up this SEXY ASS 07 Toyota Avalon of course after me and Cash argued about which one we wanted. We then scooped Datsexynig and TOOROYAL.

I drove all the way to Nashville and couldn’t take it anymore. I was seeing shit like GHOSTS and Ghouls. I was like its Daylight and these bitches have slept long enough so I made TOOROYAL take the wheel. I went to sleep and then I woke up cause I felt the car jerk and then I woke up to this Avalon on 2 wheels tearing up through LOOK OUT Mountain.. LOL. All I remember is Me and Cash Clutching our seat belts and me yelling “Slow this muthafucker Down, you ain’t about to kill me.” Ok he slowed for a few and then I woke up to him chasing a 300C talking about it’s the kids and then him playing with the Trade in the Lexus. If I could have had a video to show you how we were flying past cars and darting in and out of traffic.. Finally, we arrived at the Microtel Inn.. Shit I got out shaking and shit. LOL. We were greeted by the Kids getting out of their rentals, looking out the windows, and standing outside. We all went upstairs and got on our laptops. I got on mine for school and everyone else got on theirs to check A4A, BGC, and 360. Since everyone else was on it I logged into my accounts. We then hit the streets to greet the kids Chi-town style. Then we went to this hole in the wall ass club called TOWER. Now clearly the fire the dept said 182 max in the club at once but as I was steadily being pressed against the wall. As soon I met Mississippi I rolled out of the club to meet Sebring a stunt queen from ATL. Needless to say I could tell what he was on. Clearly, I thought I made it clear that I was not looking for sex but it must be what he wanted.. We went back to the hotel and slept til Saturday… I’ll finish the rest in a lil bit… STAY TUNED


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