Wednesday, January 24, 2007


You know many of you have heard that old saying that GOD helps those who helps themselves.
Well I thought it was time for me to help myself. I updated my resume and began to send it out to companies and to other sites within my company for promotion. Well Im glad to say I have an interview for tommorow for a position that pays more coins but not enough. Wish me luck!
I notice that everyone wants a change in their lives but do nothing to make a change. They sit around and complain but never want to do anything. I hate it! No where in the bible or in History does it say because your parents were low lifes that you have to be one. NO where does it say that because you have to be on welfare cause your parents were. Now it does go without saying that people need to take care of themselves and make the best of life. LIFE is what you make it, and if you want it to go bad then it will.. Im a living witness and coming from where I come from..... THATS A whole nother blog in itself...


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