Saturday, April 29, 2006


The rest of my work week was hell. I know I lost some weight because it was very hard work. Last weekend when my baby was here I asked him if he would wear a commitment ring if I bought one for him, his answer was yes. So now im thinking of getting us rings to signify our commitment to one another and to a monogamous relationship..We both agreed that we dont believe in gay marriage and if we did exchange rings NO CEREMONY would take place. What do you out there in the blogging world think about commitment rings? Personally if you love a person I think you can take the step forward and make the commitment. The last few days I have been strange, It seems like it was the week of the EXES. They all were calling trying to get back with me or whatever it was that they were doing. First there was Dekalb2, who told me FUCK yo Nigga. If I want some you gone give it to. Oh so certain, huh? Well he called me at 12:30 this morning talking about come and see him. LOL, I was like let me call you back and turned over and went to sleep. No one is going to set me to cheat. Besides I would not put myself in the position to be tempted. Then there was my ex THE A who texted me and told me he loved me more now than he did when we were together. I simply told him well I love who I am with now and no one is going to make me mess that up. Last night I took him out to his parents house. I was sitting there minding my business and out comes his parents. LORD! They shook my hand and then his mom kneeled downside my car and said "Do yall go to school together?" No, mam, I graduated already. LOL.. "Oh well how old are you?" LAUGHTER was her answer. She asked me again and then told me it is ok, we dont have a problem with the old dating the young. Look at his daddy and I. Im thinking like what is she trying to say. Was she clocking tea? His dad went in the house and she was like "BABE" is this your boyfriend? LOL.. He was like huh? She asked him again and I was bursting up in laughter. Finally he said yes thats my boyfriend. She told me dont hurt her baby and all this other stuff. I met my IN-LAWS. LOL! Now Ive shut the world down, my baby is home this weekend and I hope I will get to spend time with him this weekend.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


This has been a long week already and it is only wednesday.. They have been working us like Hebrew slaves. I can honestly say that for the last couple of weeks I have worked for my salary. My baby was home this past weekend and we spent alot of time together. Friday I almost had to snap on Walmart2. He texted me telling me he wanted to see me that night so we could get together. I politely told him no and that right now we had to be friends because I was seeing someone. He became very angry with me because it was not what he wanted to hear. He accused me of making him feel like a hoe and that I really didnt get how I did so.. but hey its whatever. Saturday I decided to go out up North with a co-worker and met my old girlfriend and her friend at Club Spin. I really had a great time there. The people there really had my ROTFL. You had this white boy who knew he was black. So he kept dancing with me. Then you had this black guy that was dancing with all these white guys. He was basically fucking with clothes on. Then there was this blk guy who was all weird and shit. He would dance with you and then feel all over your entire body like he was sizing you up and what not. LOL.. So I thought he was only doing it to me and I saw him doing it to other people.. I was saying to myself FUCKING WEIRDO! I went home and spent a very passionate morning with my baby. This traffic has been the worst everyday this week so far. I have never been late to work ever until they started this Dan Ryan Bullshit. It is literally driving me crazy. It doesnt even matter if I leave out earlier or not.. I seem to still run late. Then the stupid ass drivers out there... I changed my route and believe it or not others found my route now its crazy. PRAY FOR ME!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Yesterday I got off work and went to my other job and as I was sitting there I began to feel convicted about my behavior on yesterday. I am not much of a curser anymore and beginning to grow more into a man. I then wrote Starbucks an email calling it off because we're too old to be going back and forth like little children or even worse, FAGS! I will make a public confession in saying sorry for snapping on him. Sometimes he just doesnt know when to keep his mouth closed about things he knows nothing about. I spent over an hour yesterday asking for GOD to forgive for sinning against him. Ill say it again, LORD I REPENT OF MY SINS and ask for your forgiveness for my thoughts, actions, and the words I spoke, AMEN! Last night my baby had to go to the Hospital and I was very concerned but he is fine. I had some work to get done at work so I didnt do much chatting or blog reading on today. Im striving to be nice to everyone of today and not go Gemini on today. Then this doned on me, WHY IS IT THAT PEOPLE ALWAYS WANT YOU TO READ THEIR BLOGS AND LEAVE COMMENTS? BUT THEY NEVER RETURN THE FAVOR? I dont get that concept, its always been my motto to never ask someone to do something that your not willing to do yourself. I been sitting here also thinking about my 25th birthday which is to come in 28 days. Dang, Im getting old and need to be accomplishing some more things by the time Im 25, like moving out. Thats more important than anything else to me. Being 25 will lower my car insurance by $50 dollars which can go towards my rent. The money im paying on bills around the house can go towards my rent. Well, thats it Im moving by the end of next month and if not then Especially June 1. It never amazes me to sit around with a bunch of Social Workers. Im the only guy in my department and the woman really amaze me. Todays topic was sex as usual. The main point was how many times a week should a person have sex? My answer was at least 4 times for it to be a healthy sexual relationship. A woman in her 50's said everyday and I could agree with her but at least 4x's a week is healthy. Another co-worker who is 26 said she could do it 3x's a year and she would be happy. I would die! A study I read in the Chgo Sun Times a while back stated, "Those that have sex more frequent live longer." I need to do it everyday then! My Question to you is how many times a week do you think that a person should have sex? And out of those days how many times a day?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

People in glass houses should not throw stones!

Im still tired from my trip this past weekend. Sunday made a week for me and my baby being back together. . Sunday my granny clocked my tea for me and gave me my time. LOL, all I could do was laugh. First when I came in she was like where is Dekalb but of course she fucked up his name. I was like he is gone back to school. My family likes him and im surprised but thats good. They are pretty impressed with him that my mom made him an Easter Basket for men. AWWW... So I was telling my granny that me and Dolton were going to move in together. "It aint gone work" is the first thing she said. I laughed and then asked why? "Well you wont like it when she brings her boyfriends over and she wont like it when you bring your Friends over. LOLOL, I burst out in laughter and began to cry cause she clocked my tea once again. I said what you talking about Granny? "Nothing" Then she told me I aint mean nothing by it. LOL.. I was going to title this blog clocking my tea but some for some reason unknown to me Satan comes back again to get me starting. First he comments on my blog, saying "Is it just me or do you get a kick out of guys approaching you for sexual encounters? You already know what I said about you. Not that it is your fault...just remember what attracts flies to you! And it's not honey...." Immediately I say this fucker is crazy. So I kicked str8 into Gemini mode and spit some hateful venom at his crazy ass. I mean if Im with someone then why should I not spend time with them. But of course he has to be right and have to last say so... NOT here! I replied a 2nd time with this "Actually you have a problem and need to seek form of help for it. It doesnt matter if I talked about Walmart 1-1,000 that doesnt mean I messed with them and merely can be friends with them. Not once did I write that we fucked around so where did you get that from. Or are you some sick person who gets off on trying to aggravate me. Dekalb never left the picture and he is who started you to acting an ass in the first place. In fact you were jealous that he bought clothes for me and was spending time with me. You could have done the same. I didnt mention anything about a Jackson park freak not once. So where you saw that is beneath me. Maybe in your sick and twisted mind thats what your eyes gave you. You never cease to amaze me! When will you grow up and stop blaming others for what you feel inside. If Im promiscuous then like hell you are too. I know your kind especially you. You are the same person who met one day and was in my bed the next and vice versa. So just like you bedded with me there are others that you are doing it too right rather you decide to say it or not. I will remain faithful to him and never allow some nothing ass cunt to come in between me and my baby. Thats exactly what they are CUNTS and hold no real place in life except biting a pillow or laying on their back! Am I hitting close to you yet. So while your laying up out there tonight with some random niggah off Adam4adam or men4now or whereever you met them. I hope my face pops up in your head and you feel like a Cheap CUNT! But now I have got that out and have to go... .HAVE a nice day and I hope we can be friends when this is over. LOVE YA! MAURICE. TALK TO YOU LATER" Then he had to reply by saying this stupid shit. "Lets clear the air of speculation, shall we please.First, I am not jealous. If Dekalb was not out the picture, then that is why I didn't go any further with you. I know that your hand was in more than one cookie jar. Don't be ashamed, many more men do the very same and I am used to it by now. Next, all information is readily accessible on your posts. (The bathroom scene at Wal-mart to the married employee). You are two may have not had sex, but you even admitted he saw a few "goodies" for the hell of it. Third, I do not find pleasure in aggrevating anyone. Oh please. If I found pleasure it that, I would do it more often. Fourth, no one is in my bed but me. I learned to control myself and not fall subject for anyone too quick for a makeshift love relationship.....that could crumble anytime. Hey, if this thirft relationship suits it! I don't know Dekalb, but I know it was a rush thing from what it appears to be. Lastly, I hope it works out for you. I'm sure you are tired of going from guy to guy. Yes, we as men are sexually active and have those one-night stands...even you! I was not alone in your bed, and we didn't do very much either. Hope your bed is clean.....If you know what I mean....Until next time....I'll be watching." Sounds like jealousy to me. Im clearing the air today and letting it all out. I replied back to him and hopefully this ends this meaningless conversation. " Sure your not jealous of him. Sure you will use any ol excuse to make yourself look better. When I met you we were not talking so you cant use that as an excuse as to why we did not go any further so save that sorry ass line too. The only cookie my hands were touching was yours so dont try that shit. The reason why we didnt work out is probably cause I was not as much of a hoe as you thought I would be. So fucking what I showed my dick to the married man, once again he is someone that you wish were you. I dont have to have sex nor am I offended that people find me attractive by the way a look and the wonderful personality that I have. You dont have a nice personality so that adds to my list of why your single. You find pleasure out of fucking with people and talking like you know every fucking thing about me in this world. YOU dont know shit! Especially not about me. You cant aggravate me because i've finally mastered how to deal with Peons like yourself. Sure no one is in your bed. I believe that like my name aint Maurice and yours SATAN. Your known all over the city as the fucking psychopath and others things so dont pull that bullshit with me. Im sure your keeping your mouth and ass real full these days as you were when we talking. Just admit it you have a problem and you look at yourself through it and try to blame me. BLAME YOURSELF!! I dont have to be promiscuous. I dont have to do any of it. And my relationship with Dekalb is not rushed and surely is not a thrift relationship. I've known him for the last 9 months and by now we should know one another. As a matter of fact I should have waited and never met you. Your worst than anyone I have met. But like I said keep the niggas out your bed. Actually I hope my Relationship works out for me too so I never have to enter the dating scene and run into someone like you ever again in life. You are a horrible/evil person. Why you having all those solemn confessions... how about taking heed to what you pray about. I dont portray to be innocent nor do I portray to never do anything like yourseld but Ill admit what i do. And we did plenty in my bed and on your floor but the point is that you were in there the next day. PROMISCUOUS!!! And dont worry I keep my bed clean and you out of it. Im glad to have some things off my chest and hopefully the next time he tries to piss me off he will think about it before doing it.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


The decision was made and I was going to Mississippi. So I went and got Dekalb after work and took him to his house. But on the way to his house I rode past Jackson Park and noticed that it was full, Damn thats whassup. Before I could make it through the park good, my phone started ringing asking "did you just ride through?" YEAH!, "So why didnt you stop?" Because I didnt want too. "Well you must got yo man with you!" Yeah I do. "Well talk to me later." I dropped him and called Cash and was like meet me at my house we can go eat and run up to the park. When we got up there, my first made his presence noticed first. Damn, a drunk fag is all I thought. He was over there talking to me and I was like back up. He was trying to holla! So I told him Im involved now and when I wasnt thats when you should have been trying to get some. He wasnt trying to hear and keep asking when I was gone give him some dick. Dekalb called so I left and the 3 of us went out to eat. We can back to the house where I went to sleep and Dekalb was doing something, hell he kept waking me. i journied down the rode to MS. It was really nice, I got to spend time with my boo, we talked, formed a better relationship and while doing all that I was trying to get him in touch with his freaky side. He is so bashful but eventually i got him to break. So the ride down there was great! We got my grandfather and went to the HOTEL! So I went and got in the shower and he came and got in with me. ALL SHIT! It was HOTT & memorable because I had never done anything like that before. I got out and went and got in the bed. He got out and got in the bed with me. I was laying there half sleep and then he kicked it off again. I was already horny so now he was in trouble cause I was finna tare his ass up (literally). It was super hott and it was the first time I had tried some new stuff. We both slept real well in our separate beds after. The ride back was rather boring since my Pops was in the back and we couldnt be freaky coming back. A funny story, we were eating and resting in a restaurant called The Waffle house and the waitress Monica was flirting with me. She wanted some black dick. LOL. I had on jogging pants so there is no telling what she saw. We made it back in about 91/2 hours so that wasnt to bad to had been coming back from about a 100 miles from Jackson, MS. We came back here and I was tired/sad. So I got my itch scratched and I took him home. He did the most amazing thing that I never expected. Before I drove off, he Said "I Love you!" I was so caught off guard I dont remember how I responded. Now im going to buff the bugs off my front end and get ready to go to Grannies house. HAPPY EASTER PEOPLE!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Since When did your problem become mine? I am curious

So this has been the week for my mom to officially piss me off. Parents never understand that children grow older and grown. So she calls me and tells me that you need to tell your boss your not coming to work because your going to get daddy. I said like hell I am! Im not going and im grown so you cant make me. She got mad at me and hung up! I dont care! So then she calls me back and then tells me that I would be accompanying my uncle down there. No I wont! By now she is fuming and cursing at me. I had to read her really good. I told her that he is her father and not mine and that he has 15 kids and I aint one of them. So yall need to pull together and make it happen. Further more if someone called me and told me it was my daddy I'd tell them to get him to the nearest Greyhound station and tell him not to get off until he made it to Chicago. Call me coldhearted and mean but Personally I dont GIVE A FUCK! I had plans this weekend with my man and my cash and I dont think my life should be affected for them. My momma is a fucking drama queen and needs to be read! I finally got my hair done thanks to Dolton and its not bad at all. It felt good cause it has not been done since February. So finally I agreed to go only with the stipulation of my boo being able to go, me being a nice hotel, and that im back by Saturday so I can kick it with cash since out plans keep falling through. Also, she needs to pay me about 400 and ill pay for my own gas out of it. I dont think im being mean simply cause I got things to do with my money and surprisingly enough none of it includes mileage to Mississippi. But Cash were on as soon as I get back even if its late saturday.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ive been tagged again

Hello my name is...

Mr. Maurice & Twin, Babydreds(LOL)I was raised in...Chicago, Illinois

The reason you are reading about me is...

Because I am a 360 and blogger and I've been tagged again. This time I guess to let people know about me.Right Now I'm working on...Looking at my desk and seeing what I need to do. Then calling my other clients and setting up appointments.The first thing I do in the morning is...Praise him and check to see if I got any missed calls or incoming texts.

The last thing I do at Night is...

Talk on the phone

My Momma always said...

"FUCK them MUTHAFUCKERS" and still does, LOL

I love it when people...

Show me attention

I hate it when people...

LIE! Especially those that come up with such elaborate lies when no one asked them anything

If you ever see me walking down the street ask me about...

When we gone kick it!

My notable run-in with the law...

Speeding! Doing 120 in a 70.

This one time at band camp I...

I went out and got head on the picnic table and then Banged them. LOL...

Yo, you see this scar, I got this when I...

Got shot in the leg

The last time I swore I'd never drink was after a Night of...

The weekend before I permanently left my college apartment. Me and this white girl got so drunk that neither of remembered anything. All I know is we woke up in the same bed!

Future Projects and Plans...

Celebrating my 25th, moving out, traveling, Winning some money! Then shopping, getting more tattoos, and maybe a couple more piercings.

And before I leave I'd like to give a shout out to...

All my readers and those that comment. Then to my baby Dekalb, My Guys Cash, P.J.,ProfessorG.Q., & Chiblknasian.......

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's Official

Another day, minute, and such! Last week was a great week for me because I was being the BEST ASSHOLE I could be to Dekalb. A gemini's moto, if they fuck you, then fuck them back 100x's the way they fucked you. I never knew I could be so evil and vindictive at the same time but finally someone else brought it out of me. He played mind games with me but my mind games were worse and I ended up having to curse him out Thursday,Friday, and Saturday. These were no ordinary curse outs but mere readings that hit you in the stomach. I dont know why but HORNINESS HAS CONSUMED ME! I been horny and hard for what seemed like 7 days straight. Call me a Nympho but jacking my dick surely doesnt help. On saturday i truly felt like being Promiscuous as Starbucks likes to call it. I started to get on A4A and set up me a "Meet and Greet" then I started to go through the phone book and call one of my old dips for a little greeting session but my damn job called a meeting and I was in there for 3 hours and then to my moms and she didnt want me to go. I ran into my ex and he was str8 trying to be on me and get in my draws. So what niggah cause I got a new car! So he been calling saying when can I cum suck that dick? NEVER! Saturday night I finally got to Dekalb to hook up with him and Cash! Cash bailed out on us and left us to fight, argue, and freak! Horny as I was I wasnt going to kick it off so he did by touching me. I played hard to get and got punched in the mouth. LOL.. yeah he hit me in the mouth but that made it hotter especially when I turned the webcam on and let my guy watch us! That was so hott to me! I dont know why I like stuff like that but I guess I am the person who had sex in the park on a picnic table. That didnt last long because he was bashful but Im a freak so It didnt matter to me! I could have done the whole 9! Sunday after church I went and got him and now its OFFICIAL we are back together! YAY! Ive been single since September since we broke up! I woke up at 4am with a massive hard on and couldnt go back to sleep been up since then and battling with my hormones all day. I sent my boss a message saying "I was horny and having trouble concentrating" she sent me one back saying "Me too, my son messed it up!" LOL, well its hot outside and since my bae is gone back to school, I'll go home and wash my car in my boxers like I used to do last year.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring Time is in the AIR!

I know I been M.I.A for about a week, but Im back new and Improved! Finally the Dr.s were able to get rid of those troublesome annoying headaches. That had to be the worst pain i've ever experienced in my life. Its amazing what Morphine can do. But Im prepared I never leave home without my medicine so I can stop an outbreak before it occurs. I've had a lot of time to think while I was off and especially this week. I have been having these crazy ass dreams about people from my past and present. WOW! Every night! I came back to work on Monday, to a mailbox and desk full of work that had to be done. DAMN! Why did I have to be ill. But 90% of it is done so I am happy about that. Monday and Tuesday brought about a day of niggahs playing games. Can someone explain to me why Grown men have to act like children and play games? Walmart 1 is such an immature 28 year old. He is so in the closet that it makes no sense. This stupid cunt waits until his wife is at work and then starts texting people to set up his meet and greet! So I ask him why are you texting me? His asnswer is "you figure it out." What is there to figure out, your married and I am not going to hell for messing with a married man. I told him I am not a child and I am not willing to play these childish ass games. Go home to your wife and children whom takes care of you and leave me alone. His answer was peace until he gets horny again. He dont know how to play his game right. Take your wedding ring off DUMB ASS! Then there is Walmart2 who feels vindicated because he is gay. OK, well I dont know what to tell you. So I told him to live his life for him self because you cant live it for everyone. Then in the next breath his is Horny and needs me to come scratch his itch. I dont have that kind of time either, I dont remember age 18 but I am sure I knew what I want. Then other people have been playing mind games all week. This week I started taking public transportation to avoid the traffic. It has been a rather pleasant experience except when Cheniauqita and her nappy head ass kids are on the train with me. But its all good! I guess the pheremones are running through the spring air cause I sure am HORNY as hell and it seems that everyone I've been talking too is horny too. So whats really going on? Do I need to hit both the Walmarts, Starbucks, Dekalb, Or someone else from my past up for a little greet session? LOL.. I know I am acting up. I guess something else is going on with me.. I aint being so mean anymore.... On yesterday I talked to Winthrop and Starbucks, WOW! Especially to Starbucks (I actually answered the phone) and then I texted EIU whom I had no contact with since December 31, 2005.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I've been tagged! SO here it is

If you were to be the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

I would go shopping and get the best clothes and pumps money can and walk around downtown and pull all the niggahs

If you had to name the most difficult thing about being a teenager today, what would you say?

Just wondering is my life going to spared!

If you had to name the most embarrassing moment of your life, when was it?

This past summer me, cash, and winthrop went to a hotel party. Me and Winthrop got so drunk that we were both throwing up and Cash had to drive us home. The Fucker threw up all in my car.

If you had to name the most overrated actor in Hollywood, who would it be?

George Clooney

If you had to name the one personality trait that you have tried the hardest to change in yourself, what would you say?

My evil, vindictive, farceuses ass personality.

If you could go back for one minute to the Garden of Eden and give Adam advice, what would you say?

Pussy will make you do some crazy things so don’t listen to it.

If you were to name the best “I told you so” you ever got to deliver, what was it?

When I told a former friend of mine that his man was cheating on him and I was able to prove it.

If you were Madonna, what would you do for your next publicity stunt?

I don’t know! Hell she has done everything so what’s left for me to do.

If you could have a lifetime 50 percent discount in any single store at your local mall, which store would it be in?

Marshall Fields and Company

If you could have one more pet, what kind would you get, and what would you name it?

I want a Cheetah and I would name him Cornflake.

If you could have God perform one miracle today, what would you want it to be?

I would ask for Prosperity over the WORLD, hell we are in a bad time.

If you could spend next New Year’s Eve doing anything, what would you do, and with whom?

I would have a big party and when it was over I would spend the rest of it with my baby(???????)

If you were to set your country’s immigration policy, what would it be?

The visas would expire after 90 days. TAKE YO ASS HOME!

If you were given the power to settle the issue of gays in the military, what policy would you set?

I would allow gays to be themselves but maintain the dignity and respect as an officer.

If you could have one person you have lost touch with call you up tonight and invite you to dinner, who would you want it to be?

It would have to be Springfield! He is such a great lover! Puerto Ricans know how to take care of their men.

If you could change on thing about your love life, what would it be?

I would learn to love harder.

If you could have prevented one book from ever having been written, which book would it be?

On the Down low… He is such an asshole and thinks he knows it all.. He Doesn’t

If you have to name the best music album ever recorded, which would you select?

Fantasia’s CD…. It has so much truth and meaning

If you could have one thing made out of pure gold, what would you choose?

A statue of my lower Half, while ERECT(waist down to ankles)
If God were to whisper one thing in your ear, what would you like Him to say?

Well Done GOOD and Faithful servant, Enter into the GATES